Amplitude is not just another PROMs platform

What makes Amplitude different

Collect, manage and monitor Clinical Outcomes and PROMs as part of routine clinical practice whether you are an individual clinician, unit, department or hospital

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Customised to your needs - who we work with

Collect, manage and monitor Clinical Outcomes and PROMs as part of routine clinical practice whether you are an individual clinician, unit, department or hospital

What makes Amplitude different

Collect, manage and monitor Clinical Outcomes and PROMs as part of routine clinical practice whether you are an individual clinician, unit, department or hospital

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Valuable data or a “tick box” exercise?

Collect, manage and monitor Clinical Outcomes and PROMs as part of routine clinical practice whether you are an individual clinician, unit, department or hospital

What makes Amplitude different

Collect, manage and monitor Clinical Outcomes and PROMs as part of routine clinical practice whether you are an individual clinician, unit, department or hospital

Learn more