The British Spine Registry, hosted on the Amplitude pro registry™ system, has reached an incredible milestone – with over 300,000 patients, and close to 2 million clinical and patient forms having been completed.
Created in 2012 by the British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS), and led by Ashley Cole and Lee Breakwell, the British Spine Registry (BSR) has been collecting clinical and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) data for over 10 years.
During this time, the British Spine Registry (BSR) has been integrated into the general working practice of Spine Surgeons up and down the country, ensuring there is a structured process for collecting, monitoring and analysing clinical and patient data relating to spinal procedures, treatment and long-term patient recovery.
So, with over 300,000 patients now registered on the BSR, and well over 3,000 registered users, the BSR has more than doubled its numbers of both patients and clinicians in the last 5 years. This means the registry has tools that allow surgeons to analyse their own outcome data, and which facilitate basic benchmarking to their peers.
Several graphs outlining the growth of the British Spine Registry can be seen below:
*BSR User Uptake report – This report demonstrates how the number of Delegate users, General Users and Consultant Users (also known as Pathway Owners) has grown over the past 10 years.
*Patient Count Year-on-Year – This report demonstrates how the number of patients registered on the British Spine Registry has grown over the past 10 years.
*Completed forms on the BSR – This report demonstrates how the number of forms completed on the British Spine Registry has grown over the past 10 years.
If you are interested in building your own platform for success and want to know how Amplitude can help digitalise and streamline your clinical and patient data collection processes, please get in touch.